We Will Rock 2!

Welcome to Mrs. Lang's classroom!

Fun Presentations


Since we’ve come back from Christmas holidays, the children have been attempting to work more independently on activities, either by themselves or with a partner. When they have an activity completed, they have the option of presenting it to the class.

They’ve done puppet shows, role playing, reading aloud and learning new apps. Funny how instantly shy they become when presenting to their peers. It’s great for building their self confidence and another way of assessing them. Here are a couple of photos and videos for you to enjoy.

puppets confession



Chart paper stories are becoming very popular. They enjoy writing together and will have the option of publishing these into books later if they would like to.

chartstory1 chartstory2 chartstory3


The following video links use an app I taught them called Telegami where they can create a “Gami” and then voice it. They had to recite the Act of Contrition as practice for the First Reconciliation.



I have to tell you that they are each becoming more and more tech savvy. They are independently turning on the projector and air playing from the iPads and they are beginning to use various apps. It’s so cool to sit back and watch them in action!

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