We Will Rock 2!

Welcome to Mrs. Lang's classroom!

Marble Mazes at the Maker Space


These marble mazes just keep getting better and better. They started off very simply but as each child shares theirs with the class, another idea is sparked by someone else. I just keep collecting materials, for instance, I found a bunch of old CD’s and threw them into our materials box and a few of the children used them in their mazes, where you had to get the marble into the centre of the CD. This week, the tunnels and ramps have become a little more elaborate and bridges were starting to be made. Someone even made a swinging gate! I wish I could record their conversations for you as they talk to each other about how they’re going to make their maze and the thinking they’re using. When they are presenting their mazes and saying things like, “I experimented with this but it didn’t work so I tried this.” or “I found the marble kept getting off track so I built this.” I think I keep saying this, but I am continually surprised and amazed at the learning and sharing that is happening!


2016-03-30 12.02.01 2016-03-30 12.06.54 2016-03-30 12.09.542016-03-30 12.12.322016-03-30 12.48.39 2016-03-30 13.00.23 2016-03-30 13.01.26

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